you can tp from cp to caly and monria to caly... so I think it would be only fair that you can tp from ark moon to ark. I've been pretty busy...
As a show of good faith to the A-team, and my appreciation of Arkadia, I've bought some moon deeds. Over the years, the Ark team has been the...
I agree with Louise's advice. Relogging has worked for me in the past as well :)
First off I would like to say thank you for thinking up the idea for the combat masks for all the countries of the Entropia players. It's been...
so far my quest to fill my ark armour blueprint book is going well.. but still missing alot of ark armor bp's. If you have any dubs or just don't...
Hiya everyone :) I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me fill my arkadian armour bp book. If you have any extra ark armour bp's.......
called it :D [Local] [Arkadia Official Dylan] : and ofcourse, everyone is talking about the elecric damage protection this armor has to offer......
with the electric stats on this armor, I'm wondering if we are going to get some new mob(s) introduced on ark with electric attacks? That would...
Been a little bit since I had some Arkadia Fun. I encountered some Navi in the underground and had alot of fun getting globals, going splat, and...
oooh don't be sorry at all... I was just being paranoid as I know how easy it is for rumors to start. and maybe your "friend" will read this...
Sorry to hear that your friend didn't give you back your armour... :( and just an edit to anyone reading, and may be confused. She's not...
Viking parts have now been all sold
Several Interesting Female Armors Shadow/Angel/RX Opt X1 /Viking/Raven/Mahketta/Sala/Vampire I know with such an extensive armor list that I want...
Enjoy your break.... Hope to see you come back :)
I would really, really, really like to see this as well. I find it very useful on caly, and it would save time for ark mobs if I didn't have to...
you don't look sad to me :)
Welcome Aspen :) Arkadia is beautiful and the people friendly. We're happy you made your way from earth to here. Yes, some people do...
With migration around the corner, I'll probably be on Caly a little more this summer... So I wanted to get in some Ark hunting before .. soooooo...
Thank you everyone... :F Just a reminder that my open house starts in an hour... 18:00 -20:00 MA time... hope some of you will stop over to say...
Separate names with a comma.