I have 2 full tt plates. was saving them until I looted some graphene composites but starting to think it will never drop for me. make me an offer...
pretty small hof
Just finished 10k kill mission (stage 5) I got 50 intel tokens and a small amount of evade. was so little i did'nt even notice (only gave me 11...
with a dozen graphene composits looted the past year and the rarity of a FULL TT plate makes it very difficult.
Those plates are pretty rare, getting a full tt one is even rarer. Are you trying to make the UL plate? I think that one requires graphene...
most likely it will be setup similar to foma with domes for hunting/mining. and located near the space station (maybe a minute flight away)
Don't think its been confirmed that dromia drop them. I can't seem to hunt many without falling asleep to test it. :)
That would have been a helluva aakas 6 run!
2k individual arkoins so was 20 ped tt worth
drop rates are drastically reduced. ran a aakas 10 and got 0 yet an aakas 6 gave me about 2k arkoins
From what I understand, the Ark dev team did have the plots designed and ready to go to hand out as prizes but at the last minute MA decided they...
thats good. means you didnt lose out on any arkoins.
That blue exclamation mark indicates that its done already so must be a glitch. Tomorrow should be back to normal. I usually clear out the nusul...
got a single mask from a riptor young global
scoria, pandi, and huon all drop them. ive looted around 50 so far. Where you live doesnt matter and you can get 1-8 in a single loot.
The main problem with a crafting mission like on monria is there is no gain to arkadia as a planet and the skills given actually cost the Arkadia...
Separate names with a comma.