Found the Arkadian Divine Kamaldon today, thanks to The Paladin Chosen and moral support from Maria Tsunade Magdalena :) Seems it is now spawning...
Grats on purchase, ill def. try my luck there :)
Thanks for reply, appriciate it. Had a friend doing this mission about 4 weeks ago, and all went well for him. Coordinates were exact. He even...
Ok i have now camped that spot for 2 days, in sessions over 6h. No spawn yet... Either the mission is now bugged, or the spawn point has moved...
Did you find it eventually? im in the same dilemma :P
What are those warehouses, some personal instance like aakas missions ?
Looking to get theese blueprints. Send me a pm with asking price if you have one :)
Time to bump this up, grab ya gear :) and dont be shy to make offers
Item 1: Ranked Hk1750 Laser Rifle Tier 6.9 Stats: See [IMG] Row 1) Only Rifle Row 2) Rifle + A106 Row 3) Rifle + A106 + 6 damage attachments...
Good! How do you know which ones will be refunded? Also them that has done AAkas missions after the gold rush, will they be refunded too ?
Heya M8, at the moment i really do not know what to pay actually. Was hoping a seller would know how much he/she wants and pm me or something. As...
yes grats whoever you are :) - Im still looking to buy both the finder and extractor. Send me a pm if you have one and wants to sell. Stig Chronos...
bump my post up up up :)
Ok thanks for reply. Ill be holding my Ped's a little longer then :P
Strangely enough, it seemed i found more unamped.... i got some ambundants unamped, but with terra 4,6 's i only got as best considerable. That...
Noone got one yet ? :)
Im curious though. Say the highest mining HOF for a day is 3000PED, but that player didnt use a terra amp. The second highest is 400PED and used a...
250 000 Arkoins = 2500 PED's starter for amp? > Hmm, is it same decay as L ones > Will there be many of the same items auctioned ? :)
Arkadia is the best planet!
If you got one -> pm your asking price :) ALSO interested in Rock Ripper 3 Gold Rush Thank you in advance. Ingame name: stig chronos brannlund
Separate names with a comma.