Hello Everyone. Its that time again. Time for a Cyborg Bill Alphabet Rock n Roll show. Long time Normandie Radio listeners know how these work so...
Hey any who might be interested in this type thing. Figured Id post in one place instead of sending odd pics to various people all the time. I...
To whom this may concern. STOP spamming my Email with the "you haven't logged into the game and are not hemorrhaging money" messages. I left...
Yip Yaw Ohhh ahh E I E I O. Was thinking about doin a depo and goin on a hunt then thought the better of it. Usual Bday trends are for MA to...
wow.. I figured I would take a break from mining and go hunt some Tirak for a bit and grind more on the mission. I learned several things.....
Am I the only one in EU that even looks at or plays other games and follows RPG's consistently looking for one that has it all? I know a lot of...
The Gangs of Entropia. 14-11-2043 After wandering Eudoria, Amethera, and the ocassional excursions to the Great Rock in the Sky I have noticed the...
Years ago when the Entropia News Network was around I was writing an on going story written in like a journal format. I let it fall by the way...
Yup yup ya'll read that right.. The Borgs been kickin some Ideas around for new shows. I kicked the idea of a country show around the staff room...
Is anyone else besides me tired of seeing all the nice stuff looted here on Ark being immediately taken to Calypso to be sold off? Its REALLY...
Soooo how many of you are enjoying the Mod loots that are suposed to be happening? This topic is based on the economy even though I use current...
Hey guys, I think its time to address something that I am sure is and will continue to get worse over time in regards to your...
Whats yer take on "Empty threats or promises" now? That pathetic post on PCF regarding some mem cleaner is bullshit and you got stone cold busted.
I am sure it is an oversight but may I ask exactly what the rules are for mods deleting posts? I know on ocassion I get a tad spiteful and annoy...
[ATTACH] I know this is a few days late but I have not had time nor ambition to log on to forums last few days. I figured I would post this for...
Hey Everyone!!!, Now that the hangover has cleared and I can focus for more then 5 seconds at a time I wanna say thank you to you all for treatin...
I know we are all excited about getting treasure hunting but I was seriously stunned when I saw most of the stuff on auction you guys started to...
Hey being an old guy from concerts past Iremember that one of the things that happened at them when a really great song came up that poepl would...
This is DJ Cyborg Bill here to announce the start of a new show on Normandie Radio. I just got done a test show a short while ago and have gotten...
I just got one for my apartment. It has low tt so I know I will have to repair it...I saw that it cost 14 ped and change decay for each upload. I...
Separate names with a comma.