225 PED prizepool + MS warp! Tomorrow, 20:00 MA!
Bump it up! :)
Bump it! :)
Updated the event info in the first post! 225 PED prizepool + MS warp! Register ingame now! :)
Gratz to the winners! 1st: Tim DxBlueIce Fisher (90 PED) [prize money goes directly into next week's prizepool] 2nd: Aklia TwoCookies Lia (35...
Bump it up!
Updated the first post with the new details. Highest Single Loot! 125 PED prizepool + Kronan Mothership Warp! Wednesday, 24th of October, 20:00 MA!
Scoreboard updated! :)
Gratz to the winners! 1st: Ionut xHyper Manuel (200 PED) 2nd: Luna Kibbles mesa (75 PED) 3rd: Elsalvador Microdot Majere (25 PED) Moreover,...
Event starting tomorrow 20:00 MA! Register now!!! :cowboy:
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Kronan Interplanetary Spaceship Services (K.I.S.S.) is sponsoring Khorum Coast events! Starting next Wednesday, Kronan is...
Thanks for the info! I don't own a land plot, but I think this will be helpful for others. :)
Thank you! :)
Bump it up - 15 Years - What a game, great event! If there are any dedicated teams out there - this setup really does rock. Eco & gives access to...
Scoreboard updated! :) There will be an announcement regarding a new prize soon! :blackalien:
Starting tomorrow! Register ingame now! :)
2 days to go! Pew Pew! :battleroar:
Scoreboard updated. Remember the ingame event on Wednesday! http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/khorum-coast-wacky-wednesdays.14794/
Separate names with a comma.