Thank you so much for the info.I think its high time we hv some new space crafts at our disposal and more attatchments to it
Dats da vid i saw also.has anyone seen it after dat?MA should hv introduced them by now.would be cool to hv one of them.are there no other data...
I dnt knw much about mining in ark ug and never tried there.whats da minimum depth should i use?Im only lvl 2 miner
Thank you for da info lightz.what is da average tt return of the 101?once i hit a lvl 12 find which was 44 ped big finds can i go with...
I saw a 4 year old post where a grey and red stripe quad wing figher jets flying around caly air space.Anyone has seen them ever again or are they...
1st of all i must apologize for writing this in ark forum.The reason to do so im an arkadian and ppl here are more informative.My question is what...
I hv seen dat the remaining celeste harbour shops and sanctuary cove shops are for sale.where do i find the prices of them?
Well there was nothing like dat when i hunted them a week ago.maybe u could relog and check again.i did global twice on them.
Thanks kikki jikki
Thank you so much for all da do i knw whether its a shared bp or not?is there any web like entropedia which gives da detail on those bps?
what is meant by shared bps? are they the ones available in tt machines in every planet?
So even if i work on a caly bp on ark still i will loot bps with regard to it then.then no problem.thank all
Thank you san.What im trying to say is,i start crafting with a bp which the QR is at its lowest.will i loot other bps while its at lowest,middle...
Im new to the game and have been skilling on a MS for the last week and iv got the blueprint compehension as well.Does QR of a blueprint matter...
Want to buy , 1k Blausarium ingots 1k Garcen lubricant Send in your best it here or pm me in game.thanks
The answer you all are searching would be the ifn miision chain ends when u are asked to report to your assigned firebases.u can iether continue...
Man whats going on with planet arkadia?been to caly yesturday there are no issues there with sounds.i love arkadia but without soundd its just boring.
Plz be sounds.oh wait 108 kb.damm
Thanks grizgal.u helped alot.will.check dat place out.
Thanks grizgal.any location u think i can find them of the rare ones?
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