Boo :( What about instead of canceling to just change it a date - like first of the new month? :)
Guess one reason why it is like that is to avoid "boosting" - as in a low level player (like me) being boosted by someone higher. For example...
Yeah, that would be better - have them respawn like now, but just have a no aggro/attack debuff for 15-30 seconds.
Big grats! :) Happy to hear about this! :) May all of your dreams come true and may live together happily ever after. :)
While I would totally love to see something like that, I don't think is very realistic to expected - forces server to do extra calculation and can...
The advertisment I can still do if you want it. :) It was mostly about the hunting and mining ones that will be on hold for an unlimited amount...
For reasons explained here, I'm "temporarily closed down"; will try to figure out what kind of services I can still offer, without ending in same...
I thought a lot over the last 24 hours (including a night where I most thought and turned from one side to another than sleep) and I finally came...
Really, really great informative post!
The only thing I really don't understand is the lack of communication from Arkadia Team... I can understand that it's not up to them, I can...
Log file: Day five of being a scratch card Hired by: [LUCKY dpatc3 PATCHY] (dunno the forum profile) - third try Time to complete: 02:15 hours...
Thanks for the nice comment. :) Feel free to "steal" any of my ideas and make your own thread; is not like I have any trademark or anything on...
Free bump for a nice person. :)
Thank you a lot to everyone for encouragement. :)
Totally worth reading it. :D I enjoyed reading it so much, that once I finished it... I read it once more - hahaha.
I recently see considerably more thieves than bandits (or is that just because thieves bother me and bandits I look for? - hahaha).
Well... there are two things... - first is that I feel guilty... I really hoped that will turn out with (rather) positive results and I wouldn't...
21.38 PED total lose over four days... doesn't look good at all... TBH I had totally different expectations and at the moment all I can feel is...
Log file: Day four of being a scratch card Hired by: Swampy - second try Time to complete: 01:50 hours Setup: [MAKO FAL-TT (L)] + [Melee Trauma...
Release notes
Separate names with a comma.