Thanks for participating! Next event here!-Win-peds!-Hunting-Carabok!-009
welcome :)
Congrats to his weeks winners! 1st Place Kappy - 29 2nd Place Deminish - 26 PAID 3rd Place Zume - 25 Pistol - Meche PAID Armor Part...
Ah ok you got it. Then I have 1 left for this event! Thanks a ton.
Np ill pm you and return your last pistol. I have 1 left. Ty for sponsoring us in the past, it is much appreciated.
1Reserved for scores Placing 1st Place pkerpker - 29 2nd Place Kappy - 26 3rd Place Deminish - 26 Participants 1 lupulcelrau 2...
Rules: - Highest Carabok Hide Screenshot in loot windowwins the competition! - Competition Starts at 1700 Ma time 10/16/2012 - Competition Ends...
Ill be on arkadia from 1700-2200. Though the event is not over, if you cannot make it online between these times please contact me via forum so...
drop me a pm if you want , i can sell you a few ;)
out of curiostiy . did u buy your pistol from AH? like at partial tt? lol if so hey I contributed you bought my pistosl! I put like 10 on AH for...
We all have the same ability to loot it as well :) nothing to hate about bro. gz on your awesome finds
I will update it with yours, since you have given a more specific skill point change. I also updated korwill 400. My friend just handed it in....
I wish :) I am on stage 5 on Madana and Oro. I also did stage 1-2 on most of the missions. I am going to attempt to do all the missions though :)
Its in the rules quoted above. Its there to prevent people from using entries from the past. Great 29 hides though :) im updating...
thanks man!
Up to date with current entries
No it is not, was my oversight. Scoreboard edited. Sorry Kappy, you forgot the timestamp.
great thanks thats .59 ped !
Resnis I am stil trying to get a hold of you for your cap 101 desset. I am on arkadia. please contatc me
Separate names with a comma.