I'm gonna have to go with what KMax is saying. There hasn't really been a major reason to craft them up to this point except the initial novelty...
That's because that's the only metric players have access to. :p :)
It's not a weekend. If it were on Friday (like it usually is) you probably wouldn't have seen it until Sunday/Monday :p
I got it 10 minutes later.. but I was back and forth with dinner so it took a little extra time. It's been uploaded and link posted. :)
Version 1.9.1: Newest interview available to listen to.
Interview from August 15th added.
Oh, one other thing I just remembered.. This update (or was it next?) will have sounds for waterfalls and some other ambient sounds.
They put up a statement in the release notes feed, too.
Recently there has been an increase in attempts by unscrupulous individuals to gain unauthorized access to Entropia Universe user accounts. We are...
Also: [2:34:19 PM] Zume: well we learned that intances will prolly be worth doing.. less items, more stackables in loot (which is in the end like...
Keep an eye on this thread: http://arkadiaforum.com/showthread.php?3782-Dobson-Interview-Hosting I'll post a link as soon as Zume gets me the...
So why does the Opalo cost so much less to tier? It only costs like 2.02 PEC per use, but only costs about 3-3.5 PED to tier it up. 132 PED just...
CE2 can already run on Mac/Linux/XBOX/PS, etc.. so I don't see it disappearing but being utilized to bring game content to other platforms. And I...
Go plug into the chipping optimizer and see what it would take to get 17 Agility on just evade alone... ;)
Calypso shops are just as bad. It's the interaction of certain types of furniture with certain content draws of a shop or apartment, so it's still...
Are we going to be getting more ingame music for Arkadia so we have a smaller gap between songs? Also, which piece of music currently (if any) do...
I believe if a player chooses one that's not yet available they can't actually get ingame until it is. That's just a guess, though.
Just as FYI: I've added the ability to listen to all of the interviews to Entropia Tools version 1.9 (See signature)
Version 1.9: Updated the markup calculator with an option for natural resources (Fruit, stones, dung) and fragments, as well as a few cosmetic...
I believe it was Arkadia Studios that created the extra avatars to run tracker, rather than Starfinder...
Separate names with a comma.