Here is the T-shirt :o [ATTACH]
Thanks you Kikki, it is very good to hear some real arkadia crafters' opinion on this issue, hope more crafters can express their opinion, and you...
I'm not complaining no one buys my item, I'm not even a crafter. but whatever I already expressed enough of my opinion on this issue so I'm not...
No the OP stated no registeration required in advance, it is stated under the trophy picture, maybe you need to read the OP again,
If only add sweats in furniture and cloth blueprints then it makes me feel like a punishment to people who owns a estate or wants to wearing nice,...
Good monring just finished hoverpod race it's 5am in Taiwan lol didn't win but it's a great race for sure, hope we can have more in the near...
Yes, you are right, I didn't consider if the current sweat supply enough for crafters to crafting weapons and amps daily, but I don't really think...
I'm not saying that furniture sale needs to be depend on sweaters to buy, what I mean is they will never buy it but we as estate owners need to...
I'm fine with putting sweat in blueprint to increase the demand of sweats to helping sweaters, but not in this furniture and at this amount each...
Ahhh ok just saw this is in treasure hunting section not mining section :p
My last sooto is in last October, I have tracked my mining activity this year, I have dropped 14815 drops and still no sooto :huh:
Ni hao and welcome :cowboy:
I bought a new painting from auction today but it seems like bugged or just I don't know how to make it right. It can only stand on the wall...
Ignore this post :p
The first armor part(Mah'ketta Gloves) have been looted as well, hope the owner can post the picture soon Never mind saw the armor from auction...
I am reading arkadia storyline when I taking care of my grand grandma in the hospital, Ialso read the comments that there was a idea that compile...
I think you should be able to loot item from Treasure hunting when you get a sooto, so yeah I think it should be pretty rare, especially in the...
Just saying, there will be some new furniture in next update, but you can replace your picture entry before the closing date anyway :p
1. Can we use finder select treasure hunting in other planets after the update? 2. Can we loot the blueprint of keys in May 29th update? 3. Can we...
There's another interview hosted by Zumi, I think dave would give us further more details during the interview if you go ask in there :p
Separate names with a comma.