They were "samplers". Mutated DNA can be made and put on LAs. Otherwise you wont see them.
Trox ate ma pants.
OP says they are.
I highly recommend purchase of one of the Quarry booths. I get great turnover there. Someone would have to offer a stupidly high price for me to...
I've just added Zulax to the list in post 1 as I have a bunch of new high level bps (thanks Narfi) that use it. Buying up to 500TT of this stuff....
So I managed to pick up an L bp with one click on it but unfortunately the craft attempt was unsuccessful. Sorry.
Absolutely opposed to making these player controlled mobs be immune to turrets. It's going to allow idiots to fuck with crafters and traders who...
Awesome. Anonymous griefing....
While many of the Arkadian bps have come down in value over the last 12 months, the ones I am interested in are all pretty rare (else I would...
Narfi, are you looking to sell any of those bps? Cos I would be interested in buying a few of them.
You'll have trouble sourcing an ark-16 (L). It only has L bps and I am yet to loot one or see one turn up on auction.
Hi folks. I've now started stocking 5/7 Perseus parts. Still missing bps for shins and feet but I wanted to start recouping the cost of the bps...
Added frakite to the list in post one. Hoping to start stocking Perseus soon...
I saw today that the site owner has put entropriabay (home of the inventory calculator) up for sale:...
Unfortunately the data for the Emik is incomplete so I checked a couple of other guns. If I look at the Calytrek soul mark II and compare normal...
I don't get it. Cost to hunt with those guns is no different than higher TT guns because what you save is decay is lost in increased ammo cost....
Gz to all the shooters!
I have two Dominax Original Mambas for sale, just in time for the immanent, any day now, re-release of taming. They are both at nearly full TT...
No need to be a dick ruskea
Separate names with a comma.