Well eventually once MA has devalued everything in game it will ALL be switched over to nothing but L. That's been the grand plan since inception....
I can use my UL V heal chip or gyro 22 and lower if you need for bigger instances. Mid 40's level weapons skills across the board as well.
DONT taunt the MA brain cells they are just shy of blowing up and being reclassified as plankton. Hang out a bit here and adjust.. youll...
Welcome back mate.. you came to the right planet this time hehe Lotta good people here and a lotta good times can be had.
I thought I saw someone asking about what the Diagen Matrix was in quarry the other night.. it has been looted so check discoveries.. how it got...
It was off by a lot when I bought my set last week.. was like 13 jackets left and 27 pants.
Welcome to da madness
nice comparrison specially at different MU% But I wonder why someone wanting to skill plasma would feel ashame for not using a blp weapon? or in...
Not a red cent as I am not one of them blessed avatars nor a swedish national that get the nice items. I know my place in the food chain and play...
Sorry to hear of the incedent prior to your heading home mate. Hope Karma rears its ugly head for the people who did that
haha AWESOME pic Milena Huge thanx again for all you do for us kiddo. :hail:
The Golden Door is Arkadias biggest thing having to do with the planet theme mate... If that doesnt produce something massively awesome at some...
Been finding that here for months mate.. Gratz tho on your first find. Its ALWAYS exciting to find something new no matter where or when it was...
Craticus.. And this tt'ing is what im talking about..... so you would rather tt items basicly give a wheelbarrow of peds to MA instead of letting...
GL with that... this crafting of the golden key is like anything else EXCEPT.... This is an uber dungeon and the chance to loot awesome shit...
Here is the problem in a nut shell... GREED. I have played for near 7 years now. I worked into a LOT of decent trade deals with traders. The...
I have run mainly the level 1 instances since start. I have found that it didnt matter if I ran it with opalo or with the glacier sword and asi 37...
Hey yer not tha only one toteing big wood mate
Oh Oh.. Brother Jim had a touch too much mead in his beer last night.. Thought he was funny n tried ta hatch the egg..Now we cant find the dam...
For me it would be a matter of trust and track record before even thinking of gettin involved in this. With the recent changes and MA breaking...
Separate names with a comma.