cesse, please look at the date before posting in these old threads and take some time to read the Forum Rules
bump it up
bump it up, some Nusul Ears in stock now too
Streaming live now at www.twitch.tv/entropiaplanets Edit: stopped streaming now
that it turns black dont need to indicate your picture isn't on there, make the one sign you want then exit your estate and go back in to see if...
Since you now speak about loot and not only number of globles, may I ask what your return % was/is on them?
Please check the date on threads and don't necro threads like this. Make a new thread instead. Thread Closed
gl with the clicks :) thread closed
I have killed ~2000 Kiana Young-Prov/Domi since September(plenty before that), and the only change I see is the loot distribution MindArk done...
Please read the forum rules once more, you can only bump your thread once during a 24hour period.
New Year = New Bump
2014 bump
not silly, but open your FL (press J) then and there is 3 icons on top, press "Toggle Player Register" then search for my name :)
welcome Quelea, feel free to add me to your FL to see if our times match up or take a look here: Mentoring Services
Bump it up
New Years Bump, added some more Ostelok parts
oh so it ignores armor and just deal %, that could explain the low hit then. But then again my armor took decay and it actually protected very...
Any idea how to test the two attacks? As today when I was healing on stalkers I thought i put on Goblin for some protection so I never need to...
Separate names with a comma.