Things like dante comes when you are rich, go when you are poor. I'm selling Dante for TT+2100. PM me here or ingame if you are interesting in it....
Some of them are generic content which needed to be download in every planet, even NI has 500 MB to download IIRC. This VU is not that bad as I...
That's it for 4 months? It's just some mining missions and 5 wave events and possibly some missions for smuggler? Sounds not that bad but 4...
If it goes like what we had in last 2 years, then we should be at least have an annual Gold rush and a hunting event before the end of 2013 I think.
Lists updated, Ores basically reserved, and there might be a bulk sale happen on Paints too. Thanks.
move to f-103 when you maxed it, to f-105 when you maxed it. Mapping is super important to miners even at low depth, tho arkadia mineral...
Hello, I'm buying Focusing Lens, Insulators and Propellant Booster, please PM me here or ingame if you got any to sell and %. Thanks.
You can get crafting bonus since the skill bonus system being added.
ty for asking, I'm not cashing out just want to reload my shit to re-locate my funds. The shit list can go alot longer if I'm going to cashing out...
(L) finder let you have access to more depth at lower skill requirement, but you need to pay markup for it. UL ones has much longer SIB hence the...
Lists updated. I'm selling out all of my shits now, total TT is 7998.73 minus Viceroy. Just make me an offer on what you want, you might get it then.
Unknown total TT: 1864.76 TT+MV: 2051.29 (107) 716 a large trout (L) 1 1 1 CARRIED 28 Advanced Organic Wire 16 16.48 16.48 STORAGE...
Natural Materials total TT: 230.05 TT+MV: 283.79 (53) 39 Alien Blood 21 9.66 9.77 STORAGE (Calypso) 41 Ambulimax Skin 4 16 16.59...
Refined Enmatter total TT: 712.59 TT+MV: 765.96 (15) 32 Alicenies Gel 422 42.2 49.76 STORAGE (Planet Arkadia) 119 Black Russian...
Ores Sold Out. Only Zulax left.
Generic Component total TT: 31.73 TT+MV: 33.52 (4) 27 Advanced Scanning Sensor 3 0.99 1.33 STORAGE (Planet Arkadia) 109 Basic...
Paints pending sale
I'm selling out all my shits, everything must go so just offer me, but zulax would only be sold at 110%. Paints in #2 Generic and upgrade...
The claim size is depends on the cost per drop, the claim size is bigger if your cost is more. So I would suggest you mining with TM 1 as long as...
Skill doesn't mean much in mining, yes deeper depth let you have access to more various of minerals, but you need to know where to find the good...
Separate names with a comma.