1) The academies looks slightly different. 2) It is supposed to be ground bases of a freaking fleet, of course they will look similar (they are...
I got a 4-5 meter deep lyst global once on Calypso ^^ probably the most shallow global in quite some time :D lol
Hmmm.... Luke Skywalker wore dark jedi clothing and was as lightside as you can be... Qui Gon wore lighter colored jedi robes, and he was a so...
I said it was the reason provided by MindArk, I have no idea how true it is :P Tbh I don't really care, as I don't use PayPal (Ukash being very...
I would rather have Lukes dark (black/gray-ish) jedi clothing :D
Hmm Exarosaurs and some other Calypso mobs are fixed so they lean to the side when walking in slopes... looks weirdest when they lean over 40...
Ah yes, my avatars underwear IS getting a bit stale after all these years..
The reason provided by MindArk why PayPal is not available ingame is that it is not secure enough.
Also, if possible, please make them low tt... I think one of the biggest problems with clothing atm is that some of it has such huge costs and so...
Maybe they could add some area-effect combat chips that are not completely useless like the current strike chips? :)
Also some things to note: 1) A friend of mine complained about this game only having very generic western style clothing. Maybe try to get...
Like the Shinkiba Inventory mission on Calypso? Kill 100 shinkiba, where there has to be at least one of each maturity? :)
Hmm my idea would instead be to eliminate Oro near the firebases to avoid them getting in and chewing on cables and stuff, as there are many...
Please release some robes then! ;)
Add a mindforce power that allows you to light up a certain area for a certain time! ;)
"That information is classified"? ;)
It doesn't make sense to have a completely blank map since we have ships and satellites that could take high-quality pictures of all the plane tho ;)
The traditional "Super-powerful alien artifact" that is rather common in scifi? :D
Either that, or it dried out since the map was made... it is in the desert after all ;) (On a more serious note: Did you make sure that the map...
Skeleton parts?
Separate names with a comma.