Ehrm did you.... actually read my post? :p I was writing about the input you give to the system with your weapon/fap/armor. Not with your credit...
hmm from my small crafting runs I got the feeling that Arkadian BP drops behave quite similar to Arkadian item drops in loot. They are all there...
I support these players. The input we give into the system determines the output. Hunt a high defense decay Mob for 25k PED turnover with a good...
thanks for the spontanous q&a! :) Seems like we are looking for an interesting update in August with new mobs, estates and changed mining...
omg look at the stats of the ASI-50 smuggler gun!!!! Seems to be the UL X5 for Arkadia. Can´t wait to see the discovery of that gun... preferably...
Yes but do you think that is really off importance to Kimmi? :D Besides if you have a big enough bankroll 90% of the extra expenses are returned...
hmmm not much protection and (L)... but still I like it that we have Arkadian plates now too. :-) Since there where some posts about items that...
Yes it does. I´ll PM you ingame once the Arkadian items start dropping (regulary).
So does this include that you bring our items to RT? Because otherwise I can´t see how a shop share on RT would be beneficial for me. It would be...
true true but at least it will stop the fault dwelling for that. ;)
IMHO at the end of the day that is what it´s all about. Personaly I believed that the impact of the A-teams work would change the Entropia...
yeh steam summer camp sales are really where my PEDs are going atm. Way better entertainment for less money. Just speak with your wallet and at...
And above all... MindArks Shoulders. xD
I have a strong feeling the Arkadian BPs where designed BEFORE lootable PVP was turned on in space. In that situation the Calypso ingredients...
I think the visuals are quite important to some ppl too. Arkadia did that well with their modular weapon designs. So that the bigger guns look...
I think the official guides program will help a lot. :=) I guess the avatars who are selected will be supposed to hang arround to chat to the...
I think I got almost all the muscle oil I looted on Arkadia from Halix. So they might still be your best bet. :p I guess the somewhat low...
The upcomming "Planet" Theryon Wars (or however they spell that) will have a very strong focus on Space. It will even go so far that the devs...
good decision to get rid of that gun. It needs a really huge bankroll to play with it. And by the looks of it you don´t have that. So no need to...
I would love to see some ores which can´t be mined on Arkadia in my hunting loot window! :) That could even make up for the [almost] missing...
Separate names with a comma.