hmm that could work out well! However that requires that the website displays all sales that happen in the auction... is that the case by now? The...
I have only 60 LT left to kill afterwards I will head to Arkadia for mining. I will make a mining log here and also put my find up for sale....
gratz waht amp what finder? ;)
Ah sorry for the confusion with the topic. I was not writing about recording globals but about viewing them. When you set the wrong theme its not...
It will be a good thing now though. That way you can craft the stuff when the texture BPs for Arkadia are out. ;) Maybe even next week as he said...
I think dave answered the OPs questions in the interview very well. Certainly worth checking out since it gives away that the loot tables are...
Now that was a lovely interview with lots of new informations! :) A bit too many announcements for the far away future maybe as opposed to soon....
Are you sure your theme setting on the website is on Entropia or Arkadia? Otherwise I couldn´t see the Arkadia related stuff. So the settings on...
ty Zume... *starts download* to watch whilst mowing through the last LTs before I can head to Arkadia. :-)
*cough* even the pro miners often end up using the 120 since it`s a good finder. However I think I see what you are getting at. Personaly I will...
No sry... I think I have a bit in storage but that is from after launch... I will make myself a map of ressources once I get back to Ark after LT...
what he said. I would even go as far as saying that most MUs are Calypso MUs only since like 80% of the sales on them happen on Calypso. So...
bump They aren´t weapons for a n00b tho. :D
What kind of clothes are in production atm? Maybe some coats too? :) Do you have an ETA for their BPs? When can we expect to start shaping the...
hmm that looks like a quite good bp. :) I have browsed through the bps on auc and my own collection and noticed quite a few changes. I think most...
Well Dave said in another post that this is the case. So the droprate must just be super low. Or no crafter tried the right BP yet. ;)
Well to some point I was right since Frigulite has been removed from those BPs that I checked in auc so far that had them before... but still...
No sadly the hunting loots are still tt food I think... but I mean that was known since the teaser vid where it said Q4 for Textures and Clothes....
Ah so that must be what it feels like to be human. ;) Well yeah I can´t wait to see how the changes work out for the arkadian economy and...
this makes me a little bit sad... but yeh best of luck with selling it. :) I hope my good old gun will serve someone else better then. ^^ I used...
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