I only just noticed that outposts formerly labeled as 'Outpost' have been renamed to things like Robot Factory, Paint Factory, Scrap Yard,...
I've visited the Underground a few times after the initial rush, and it's been pretty calm. There's usually no more than a few people at the main...
Cool. Thanks for the clarifications, Dave.
The UI is definitely a lot more useable now. I still prefer the cleanliness of the old UI, but MA did do a good job on improving this one. Albeit,...
My deeds paid exactly one pec each, so that shouldn't be an issue. One thought is, and I don't know if it makes a difference: Would it matter if...
I wouldn't think that makes a difference, unless there's a bug. Sorry, I haven't a clue why you didn't get anything.
Edit: Kees beat me to it. No reason for a double post.
I love this statement. It's so much more accurate than the many "EU is free" adverts I've seen. Great press release. I hope it attracts some...
It's through the Ped Flow Center. Maybe you bought the deed after payouts were given out? I think that happened exactly at 0:00 game time.
Got a bunch after some waiting. Seems they replenish automatically after a little while (<30 min). No reason to feed the resellers.
Thank you, gentlemen. I think small madana will be next. Those should be fun. I wonder if they're angry at me for killing so many of their...
Sticks and stones...;) On further thought, I'll stick with my description. It feels right. Time for me to disappear for a few months, until I...
:o I was asking for that. Darn my poor choice of a descriptive word.
Thanks, Sub-Zero. One thing I completely forgot to mention in my original post is that the location north of Cobra Digsite is a pure visual treat...
Great map. Thank you for making it.
I just found out there's a line at the bottom of the EU release notes saying: "Private and public channels will be wiped in the next patch due to...
I volunteer to go through the logs to see who the active players are that support Arkadia through active gameplay/ped-cycling and give them...
Jenny, that's awesome. The more I use the current UI, the less I like it over the old one. More basic as it was and lacking certain useful...
Thanks a bunch, Snape and Jenny. It's always satisfying seeing ones efforts bear fruit.
A few weeks ago, I finished the mission chain for the aforementioned mob and, once again and in the style of my lengthy oro slaughter, I kept...
Separate names with a comma.