You have to complete stage 6 , about 60k kill points for each mision for 4 mission chains
Loot downswings do happen , i am down 1k after last nights hunt , just have to keep going and hope you will bounce back until the ped card is dry...
Can you add some weapon skill modification plz ? Lvl 1 to 4 , need em to test my weapon , stacks of 10 should be good , ty :biggrin2:
That only works for aakas instances not gold rush
Talk to the womak for single instance , u need a mini key
If u need arkoins run aakas , theres plenty there , filling gold rush instances with arkoin would drop the price even more
Maybe this is a bit off topic but why are the rewards for last stages of a mission so low ? Its about 50 in skills and some trophy or atribute...
I thought stage 9 is now available ?
Sound is back ! Now go out there with ur speakers to max and scare your neighbours !:cowboy:
OMG ! Thank you ! So nice to have sound back while hunting , specialy in the underground :banana:
Nice one m8 gz ! Seems those chips are worth it
I think the sound will be fixed with this patch
Oh ur gonna make some people happy with that much sweat
Thx for that San , some evade would be nice and who know mby we are able to loot smt nice , btw these event intances have same loot as aakas or is...
Is there any skill requirement for these categories ? Like if someone is lvl 40 he wont be able to enter or finish cat 4 ?
Yes , ty :d
I dont think they are diferent from the ones u loot from boxes so i dont think u can trade them.
Thx m8 i might just do that , can someone tell me mby how much is the roi on one aud atm ?
I think AU is gonna be full with miners , is the best spot for HSL , deed owners must be happy now btw there was a guy in the underground who sold...
Sounds good then , cant wait til it opens , those boosters seem cool and the evade is nice , i can dream on the ul weapons i alway wanted an ul...
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