Have a safe flight away from Arkadia wherever you go
First movers always pay the big bill - rest that can wait will get it cheaper when the heat has left the marked - nothing new in that.
everybody can stack up.
Lets have more of this and pls in the high end too
I think its a very good move to make a mission where you can add some stacks to get an item. Its very good as the stacks needed is almost tt...
At leaset the set raise mu on some tt stacks
will it be an exploit to take the new skull armor to pvp :) ?
Best advice - never take the toxic shoot - then you can't enter lootable PvP. BUT if you take it - never come here on forum and complain that you...
maybe pyrite?
PvP - wow Peace to all
Bump it up
Some sold - more to sell
I have plenty
Updated with sold and new loot
This is an ongoing sale of the below stuff. PM me here or add me ingame if you want to buy any. Arkadia DNA parts - Yuka Long Bone (1 pcs) -...
if it is too expensive for you to craft then don't, but if you want to be first mover, well then you have to pay what it cost. i remember many...
Gl selling the shop
As long as i Can sell some of this animal parts for 30-40 ped each (That is mu from 3k to 7k%) then I like to hunt those mobs. If it is tt food no...
Im a hunter and my profit depend on markup in my loot. There is plenty of tt food in the loot already no need for more.
Separate names with a comma.