Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post such a nice loot, so i put it into this category (mods can you move it to the right one, if...
Got some Limited ones and stick with them for now until i can use a bigger UL one Mods can close this thread :)
It took 2 minutes for me to finally teleport me in before the restart - gonna check it now.
Hello, I want to buy a Regeneration III Chip (unlimited) for ~ +30PED MU. Hope someone sells theirs, since my fap is soon decayed.
Heya and welcome to Ark :) As explained by Ridan: First of all, try to get an active Mentor in your Timezone - He/She will help you a lot, with...
And i thought: Screw it i will never hunt bigger stuff again - now i have to Depo once more...
Crone needs some days off to do some mining again and get his head free of this tinfoil theorys! But my guess: Long time ago an asteroid split in...
I wasn't streaming much, since i was a bit sick and ESO beta was on and due to NDA i was not able to stream it. Will be back to Streaming on...
it really depends, had a lot of people watching the stream - i always try to get some talking going...most players don't want to and just watch...
Stream will start somewhere between 15 and 16 MA time today again - not sure how long, but i think it's liek yesterday
That's a big target and i wish you good luck :) and keep up the streaming (if you can) we need more active streamers on twitch ;)
Haha, thanks - i know my english is not the best, but i try to pronounce everything right. Btw. i will start my stream between 15 and 16 MA time...
Hello Arkadians, maybe some know me from a long time ago, maybe some won't or some won't care. I took a long break from EU and just recently...
28 hides :) [ATTACH]
18 hides :) - gl everyone
thanks for this nice event, can't wait to start for the next one :D
Would be interesting to see the actual changes on the creatures. (like caly did)
Hmm, can't watch it from germany because the "GEMA" is blocking it - copyright stuff... so maybe choosing not so popular music or copyright free...
aaaaand another entry - last for today :p 29 Hides [ATTACH]
And the next one :D : 26 [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.