So Huon Iron next? :D
Bought one, this thread can be closed
I kinda agree with you both, but it still feels like there is something wrong with loot on those mobs. And as you said: Item drops are not great...
He is picking judges and they vote - this will happen today so give them a few days and we will have the winners :)
[ATTACH] I think this picture says enough - someone over at MA did change the loot returns on this mobs, look at the event from 01.02.2014 and...
i wish everyone good luck now and let's see who wins those awesome prizes :)
shamefull push, no one?
I simply hope, that Arkadia Devs use that nice tool how it should be and do awesome events. Especially with the announced implementation for...
I'm just bumping this, really want that Dagger!
Oh wow thats just gratz to that, lets call it, uber? :D
Hello everyone, i want to buy the Khorum Ice Dagger ( ) for a nice MU. You can write...
Nice log and gratz to the 2 ubers ;)
ohoo a late one this time - Toulan getting it's loot
Maybe do it a bit different than Caly and do this with a melee wep to drop and maybe a really small melee amp? I mean there has to be a...
didn't check the other entrys so there might be duplicates - was not intended, but i'll keep it in there
So i was asked by someone, if i don't want to participate sinc ei won some other contest a longer time here i am, maybe i do a few more...
Those loots and the awesome MU makes this really fun to play, even when the runs can be awesome or bad :)
Think the plan is still Arkadia Underground before everything bigger like more servers. But when they add something, they should make it a no...
I denied a Disciple request yesterday, because i know that i suck as mentor. First PM was like: "I want you to be my mentor, because i like your...
I have no idea why it was no rare item HoF - was disappointed, since this thing is normally a rare
Separate names with a comma.