Love this post right on the money.. PUT YOUR PED WHERE YOUR PR SLAVES ARE!!!
Ahh yeah it is a PR tool. it is a social tool. wth else would it be? it get people together sweating a mob talking meeting people he if it sells...
Well look at it this way there are newbie vehicles. wonder where the noobs will get the oil for that? I guess they will be subsidising the oil market.
Spartoline!!! Better than rocket fuel!!! Woohoo!!! Oh hey did I tell you? You better have my gas money or your not gettin in.. Oh yeah food and...
OK here is my position.. 1 the increase in price of sweat for me as a ME maker helps me 0! I own no shops so don't have to subsides that at all...
Look I'll call it common dungification of who is Subsidising what. if i want as long as it gets debate going and free's the sweat market that is...
My question why should sweaters subsidez your vehicles? Because thats what is going on.. that is the market that took the hit the hardest.. then...
Let me clairify they are holding a part of the sweat market back or just cut it out all together since the invent of Vehicle's since the use of Tp...
Hired! Need a full ingame name to find you in registry.:huh: can't seem to find riku mastertreetop.. Ok found you.. added. Spart is the name.
You know horse's do eat & There is a use for what comes out the other end. Well I bet your all about Taming and using mobs as steeds. Funny how...
Why should anyone subsidise anyone? If there is a need By you for Sweat.. GO SWEAT IT YOURSELF!! You don't want to fine buy it.. Open up the...
NO Speelling Nazzeeei's Allowwed!! :soangry:
Well maybe true about the cycles. but there not sucking blood sweating is work. if you need it and the price is high sweat it yourself. Your not...
OK it is official i'm renaming noobs potato people. Here is the Vid.. SPudz fer life yo!!
Don't you think this would have worked by now? I see a loot bonus after I depo and i hear same thing from others, they see a loot drop increase...
Well yeah it does I'm proof of that and so are alot of other people. If it wasn't for buyers being plentyfull i would have never bought into this...
I think i'm going to use a divide by 0 Argument to boost my standing on bravado.
This Idea has nothing to do with boosting the price of sweat it may it may not the supply and demand of the market will make the price. The object...
Funny how it is suppose to be micro transactions and I spend more in game here than in a casino. Go figure.. I guess i better stop playing 25 cent...
I have put money into the game wich out prices every game I have ever played online period. As far as people Like Rex that is the Idea get out...
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