I see David voted yes, soo... :) Yes, would be cool to have more of them. Something that would make a Leviathan look like a guppy, a beast so...
afaik, you can turn in only the whole set for one 400 ped tt'able token? Right now, being an owner of Viceroy SE, I'm offered 2 options by the...
Considering the nature of most support replies, an answering machine with the infamous "Thank you for your report, I have forwarded the issue to...
Man, these guys breed like rabbits.
The madness was still ongoing full scale at 1am@MA when I left, so you could as well wake up earlier instead of staying awake longer :) I suspect...
Such broadcasters are usually placed on land areas where the owners can define audio streams that are played while you're on it (haven't seen any...
Hmm, I always had the opposite experience. For my first 5 years or so I did use solely laser rifles, and by the time I reached lvl 50 in Laser...
Woohoo, found it. Can I haz my smuggler armor now? :D
Bet it's a decimal error and decay's supposed to be 0.5216
The bank is essentially shut down.
It is, the launcher says it's a VU day which translates to "Do not log in for at least a week, otherwise blame yourself" :)
While I don't see it a big issue, here is a possible solution - those battleships that hang above academies, put one above the Quarry at...
Ah yes, I forgot to mention that. They don't even count for the Oratan mission (except for the bosses, but that was a mere ~900 points).
So I stood 61 waves alone with the bukin's blade, took 4 hours 40 minutes (tp-II'ed to quarry and back several times to repair it, managed to...
Feed a korwil a man, and you've fed him for a day. Show a korwil where Celeste Quarry is, and you've fed him for a lifetime :p
There is, but these mails clearly state that One does not simply walk out of MA's grip :)
ctd after ctd, manage to loot only maybe 20% of what I shoot :(
Yep I take 5 min pauses between tries, not that it helps much :mad:
What the hell you down there did with the planet. I tried to land, paid the landing fee and then just flew through the planet infinitely until...
Almost there, do not let the dogs out for another 10 mins :p
Separate names with a comma.