it was a regular wave spawn with that 20+ one (i think level 26) inside. so all those punys and that one at spawn #41 maybe some wave event...
Hello everyone, todays VU brought us a new oratan puny wave event south east of celeste quarry. After entering the ground and starting to fight...
nice, looks like love for the details , makes an atmosphere like a scifi army base would have. "ladies and gentlemen - time is short..."
the server went down like 50 minutes ago. im now standing for over 30 minutes at celeste quarry without a single disconnect. there are all green...
got a mindforce heal skill boost today. was randomly healing while hunting. i think it appeared after 7 ped of synth mind essence healed away with...
saw it on facebook - a picture by oberon: [img]
chris, what is interesting is that bill inside the quarry office seems not to be affected. his eye is correct and there is no red stripe hanging...
yepp im with you here, suggested the same. celeste server down should lead to be logged in at a town with a tp.
At Celeste Quarry POS: Planet Arkadia (31230, 9562, 122) appears this object in the sky. If I move the cursor over it theres no item description...
On mid level graphics setting there are strange shadows at quarry now. these shadows arent there on very high and high settings. No smuggler ship...
Successfully graduated today. Big thanks for getting the adjusted musca designed for disciples what i suggested. Really cool armor for beginners...
Hello, it appears that is hacked. Some picture of a person with guy fawkes mask shows up when entering the site into the...
maybe some maturities where created to be put in instance doors and where not put in then on release and the configuration was not altered yet?
updated loot, creatures and links to svena's videos
i think your questions can only be answered by yourself. what is your game? there are alot activities you can do in dependency on what you want...
Hello, its currently possible to hunt Jori without defense cost. In the video you can see me killing Jori. The first kill shows me...
i suggested once harley davidsons to rocktropia and the answer was that cryengine 2 doesnt support 2 wheeled vehicles. since we are far in the...
when reading the annual report of 2012 i believe that the next step is that logoff and dc is changed so that passengers are vulnerable targets...
as mindark stated several times that space pvp is definately wanted they will push it further. the initial plan was that logging off or dcing...
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