Na, just feels that way because you can't tp to an area that is still in daylight yet.
Nice promotional video. lol
So are the Arkadia forums going to have achievements, or titles aside from current ones used by Officials and Paying members?
The ruins are south of the southwest most digsite in the desert.
What about buying a whole floor of apartments knocking down some walls and turning off the televator to your floor?
I've been able to get into the tiger spawns in the desert.. and some of the beladoth spawn within the icelands. sooo meh... move quick. move...
Overhunted like the Buffalo! Stampede Damage: +1 Damage for each Huon within 50m! Do it!
Trying mining inside some low aggro, high density mobs in the desert LvL 30+. You'll find non-lyst deposits. The Huon in the center of the...
maybe its a hint that taming will be back soon. :D and it looks like Arkadia is either a lysterium heavy planet. Or the mining cycle for Arkadia...
Lmao saw the one with the argonaut in the service center. :D
Sounds like a drug run lol
ahhh nobody has mentioned the eco of them yet.. was curious about it. Thanks faye!
Where are my achievement from Calypso! lol, I'd like to pin my little metals some where. hehehe
Bring Unlimited Opalos! lol noobs only have TT (L) Weapons here.
They should use those satellites to comb through the area around Puma Punku.
Maybe even with the implementation of space we can actually get an interstellar trade profession.
Yes, I can feel some win radiating off of this...
What was the question?
lol.. I brought 11+k sweat with me if anyone needs some :D
We now have trees and grass with a very good load and draw distance... any chance that in the future we'll start seeing random fruit in trees and...
Separate names with a comma.