Personally I feel they should make the flag change from blue to an active colour when someone is sitting it the vehicle, either passenger or pilot...
Can't wait for the update next week Dave sounds like its going to be good :-) Also looking forward to listening to your Interview on friday
There is another thought on the skilling one weapon type, a long time player explained to me. because of the hidden skills you unlock as you...
I definately agree with Neil and Zume, in regards of skilling more then one weapon, but not only on Arkadia but any Planet, as there will be times...
what about a few signs so advertising the Arkadian advisers in game, so new players no who to look for to ask for help, a lot don't register in...
yea I understand takes a while to get the stuff sorted out, and yes I understand that the mobs are silimar in some cases because they are just...
Thanks for keeping us up to date. one of the reasons we moved to Arkadia :-)
When will we get some different mobs, alot of them look so much alike and it feels like your hunting the same thing most times ?
lol to funny I hate whenever I asked "Why I wasn't allowed to do something" Mom would say "Y is a crooked letter and Z is no better" Damn I...
hahahaha must be a universal language of mothers I am sure of it
you always was a slow learner dad :-p My mother once wrote on a letter a teacher sent home to her, asking when I was best behaved, she wrote...
Oh they always use that I carried you for 9 months one lol and clean undies lol nice ones
Thought of this as I was posting on another thread lol those famous lines your mother used on you as a child. Like if you fall off and break...
Quote of the year "Good things come to those that wait" Said by my Mother every time I asked for some thing more then once lol
they should be automatically added to your friends list
Great service :-)
I have an ASI-40 I am using will leave a bit on it, also a cap 303 jungle as well, will also leave a bit on it and keep for museum
I have been to all the planets each is unique in its own way, and have lots to offer newcomers and older players alike. Some more then others of...
To many walls block your camera view and makes it hard to navigate the shop
hey Pain, now you moved to the bestest world lol
Separate names with a comma.