Any SOOTO on Caly other than beacons? anyone can make a small list of the most common ones? Not that I'm headed there.
cool, ty for advice mateh.
I couldn't use the tool the other day when I had a mining run and I got LOADS of stuff, was mining all 3 things, had first SOOTO (Aakas painting...
awesome, just to confirm also, SOOTO is achieved via Treasure Hunting only? ie. I won't get SOOTO from Enmatter mining or Mineral mining? also,...
welcome Bobbyk ^^b don't forget to put the name of your society in your profile, if they are helpful they deserve the notoriety ^^b
ahhhh you suck, ya got the heart but never sold me the tail XD now you got 3 parts and I got 2, mu~ (hehe grats mate ^^b)
jeeeeebus, nice loots Andy !! good work mate :D
I wish more bloody Liakon would drop! >:O *shakes fist in the air half heartedly*
srsly? you found Dunkel on Ark? O.o; I had no idea, blimey there really are rich pickings here, I dream on getting Dunkel drop ^^;
sounds logical enough about the DNA tail part, tbh I dunno if it works like that but it could do, Ark things seem to be more logical than Caly,...
<whispers> I has heart and DNA catridge 4 </whispers> Also, same question as my first post ^0^y
I have more than one of the rest of the parts, I don't have tail, however. How you know it doesn't require 2 tails, did ya try more than 1 in...
If you have any of this Liakon armour for sale, please let me know, else I shall blow my own eyes out with the true form of a disenfranchised...
200 ped
Bump because I want Liakon set, failing that, any pieces would be appreciated also ^^b paying pure peds or a mix of hot lovin' and peds.
to be honest, the spawn of Yuka is pretty decent atm, the smaller ones are generally youngs with a few matures. Thinks like Kiana, Oweko, Korwil,...
hmm, damnit Yquem, now you got me thinking about teh DNA =p is there any other DNA, like say on another planet, which requires two pieces of the...
shit shit shit, Fluske just sent me a mail on PCF and he's highlighted what I idiotically have missed. I thought one of the two of you was...
hello, I've requested friend request, we can chat more in game. My name is Lardinho, people call me Lard, Lardy, Matt, "teh Matts", MechaLard (I...
well the other dude with a tail hasn't got back to me yet, I'll bite, 1k. No no, its oki, I dun need to use 50/50... maybe I phone a friend......
Separate names with a comma.