I don't know but look at this: maybe check firewall
Who care where it was suposed to go ... 5 minutes after it leaves the safe area it will be already destroyed (unless the upgrades makes it have SI...
My loot theory predicts this to be true. But correlation does not imply causation ...
Who says that better than average loots allows you to profit ? The current average loots on puny doesn't pay a very significative ammount of the...
If experience players decide to go hunt those puny mobs then the newcommers: will have arround people to whom they can ask questions and gt...
I'm certain that some aspects are wrong in each case, so it's not a matter of "I disagree".
1 WRONG That would put MA out of business since it hasn't a gaming licence Making it random would make it a lottery and I'm pretty sure that the...
That unfortunatly is most likely due to fails of communication with the server; hopefully with better hardware and connections on the servers one...
I post this here since it is the only place where I believe it has some chances of geting to people who have decision capabilities and are willing...
Another issue is the miss messages Once they go to maximized a weapon most people will get very pissed that when aiming directly at the head of a...
This in my opinion one of the largest problems with EU. An average player comes in Somehow he gets enough PED to get a gun and 4 PED ammo He...
Well if the passenger can be allowed to shoot a gun then it isn't exactly incorrect.
The pirate can repent and go good in the future althought unless he does the following I say he still shouldn't be "trusted"
If you wish to enforce a more strict moderation fine. :surrender: But use fair rules to do it (update them if needed) Informing the community by...
When they get a full crew with RK 20 it will be kind of hard to shoot down with just one gun a mothership. IMHO that won't be the best use to...
I only see one and is none of that: Why they need to wait outside the safe zone ? When it's probably cheaper and safer to set an blockade from...
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