Nope, it took me having to fly over to RT and then relog before I got my stuff. And yes I tried relogging on ark when I bought it, and moving...
I noticed the increase... and also that some other planets have starter packs now. Would be nice to see Ark have a starter pack. Although, I...
How about a happy tag for a when a post just makes you smile ? I have to admit, I wish there were more tags that I could be funny with....
I'm crossing my fingers that come June the space map will look alot different :)
In August I will be celebrating playing Entropia Universe for 8 years with no breaks (aside from going on a week or two vacation in the summer)...
I warned you.... *~giggles and take a nice long bite*~
nooooooooooooooooooo now I've got that song stuck in my head.... and what's worse... I think the only lyric I understand in the whole thing is......
I'm not much of a pvper.... but this event sounds like it could be alot of fun because of the chaos element. :) Naked pvp? That could be...
Never ask a Vampire her age.... she will bite you :D
Awesome accomplishment Sally :) you're doing awesome.
Ned was totally drunk.... and he totally regretted in the morning, and snuck out the back door while you were all still sleeping hehe
Well, since there is no planet Raven yet.... I will certainly vote Planet Arkadia :D
hopefully you talk again soon... the world needs more cheerful characters.
you're either trying to kill me or make me cry lol I don't know which heehe
I love putting faces to avatars so this thread was really fun for me to read through. It's usually why I ask people if they have facebook, cause...
you'll catch up sooooon Cas *hugs*
It finally happened last night... I've been waiting to get over the 300 k threshold for what seems like forever. Sometimes I've been tempted to...
That would totally rock... and it's been long wanted. Would love to see more things in game that help us with our personal style :)
You rock , kikki!!! big gratz to you :)
Separate names with a comma.