Like I said earlier, no wrong, right way of playing. Take me for example, I started with laser rifle, and later added laser handgun for dps at...
There is no right / wrong way to play this game, so different people will have different views on what is the "best" way to play. It all depends...
Hunting in the underground. Never found any mining .....
It's weird but I dont recall any updates prior to the event in Caly going on currently, but I don't see anyone mentioning issues with the timer /...
I dont think it got fixed cos of a 960MX on your laptop, I had a 975M for a year till a couple of weeks ago, and now I have a 1060M. Still same...
Just encountered same issue as well. Got a couple of screen shots and obviously all the stats shown after you exit the instance are wrong. It...
lol, I have been waiting for months for him to respond to me regarding another issue.
Nvidia Experience is something new that Nvidia bundled together with the drivers just about a month ago onwards. There have been issues with it...
Looks interesting. Am I right in thinking that it doesn't differentiate by mob maturity or even mob types (some spawns are mixed mobs) ?
Disturbance notice, Server and Account web downtime Maintenance jobs will be carried out at our server location on Saturday 2017-03-25 and on...
Similar to the Op, I got returns of almost 95% on Cat 2, but nevertheless, it was about 500-600 peds tt lost. More you cycle, the bigger the...
It's still "Open", with no reply from Support to that ticket. Since Nov 2016 Dylan|Arkadia has been telling me support is aware / looking into it...
Well, it does make things hard for me to visit / buy stuff from shops sometimes .....
Happy Holidays to everyone as well. Good timing, going to a Christmas party in a few minutes .... lol. Have a good weekend folks!
Probably 60%-80% is uni ammo, the rest in various pills, some pets, fireworks, (or for current christmas boxes, snowball / garlands as well). On...
I have been only buying boxes since boxes appeared. Not deposited cash for peds in a very long time. Got loads of pills on hand now, lol. It's...
it's just a few days short of 6 months without any sort of update / response from support. This is becoming a farce.
I sold my AUDs a while back, so none on hand currently. I have bought a bunch of boxes this year, while in Ark/ Caly. (I assume thats considered...
Considering am about 7 levels away from recommended for the Arc, will be a couple of months of intensive skilling before I can even consider using...
Don't forget, melee also have problems with drones, etc, which don't always close into melee range, or are already shooting at you before you get...
Separate names with a comma.