You can check all stats here: -> Type: Refiner P.S. Shouldn't that be in "New Player Area"?...
Did you seen this thread: Maybe it only to unlock "passive buff"? (can't check myself,...
Check them all and uncheck them all again to get rid of them (bug, I reported in my post above). And You don't need to post to check results....
It's bugged ATM — all of them not checked, when you visit it first time. So in order to disable them you first need to enable all of them (by...
I guess you forgot to put [image] :photogenic: here unless we should try to imagine that. ;)
I still don't see any difference in uniform and name still exactly same. Isn't that "next update" right now or I miss something? :confused:
It's not 2 PED for years... (just 1 PEC decay since 2012)
Like atomicstorm wrote — unlikely MA will do that. :( But I think you can do most from your wish-list using tail + almost any scripting language...
Only if Hadraada will be able to reach you, before you'll kill it. ;) And that's not common with small ones. Unless you want to be swarmed by...
IMHO: 1) It's better to check mission points gains from least maturity in both cases (maybe smallest Kadra will give more points than smallest...
GL with your goal! :) Minor suggestion to your log. I guess you just TT'd your partially used knife, to get new full TT one it and didn't resold...
[offtopic] Depends on what exactly counted. ;) 100 different skills (we have a bit over 100 non hidden ones and around 150 total) by 2000 points...
Yep, "sticky notes" ("Post-It") in game since chat/CL VU. You can create it from "Message Center" (open "Message Center" -> Create new message ->...
Huge gratz to all other winners! :thumbsup:
Oh :dead: Never had such issues.
That's only one way and not simplest one. Other includes SMS interception, back-door in your phone, back-door inside your SIM card, social...
Login/Password — something you know, you are right. OTAC generator — something you own. SMS message, not something you own at all. :) If attacker...
I really hope MA will never add such "bonus" or at least it will be disabled by default, since that is a _huge_ security hole, which makes...
Just create new note (in game of course) and copy your message there. All links will be saved there "forever", so you don't need to retype it...
[MEDIA] Ancient Improved VSE Mk.II - sweat dry Mutated Yuka Stalker just with one click :watching: (of course with 160 meters range and 67 usage...
Separate names with a comma.