In a way... but Supply MUST follow Demand, so as Demand rose (so would MU%) until Crafters HAD to make those Items... and as they caught up to...
Way to much stuff isn't useful in a general sense. We have Clothing and Furniture, when like 1% of the Player Base has Housing to use Furniture...
It's bad for business. A dedicated MMO player might want to try RCE, walk in here one time and see the AH and never log on again.
I'm rocking one sexy 100.00 QR/CD, and my Skills help it get to an 81.8% SR (From the Original Post, for comparison.) Well that is now a 100.00...
Man, wth are these guys doing screwing with the Success Rate of Crafting? It was already low enough. Don't they realize the major economy...
Some really good additions here. I like the idea of the Crafting Daily 'scaling' to the Player. I wanted to do a Crafting Daily on Calypso, but...
FINALLY! Blueprint Comprehension. 300K Welding Wire, 6 RK-5's, and 18 Hours of actual Repair Time. Vehicle Repairing - Newbie - 1 +1854 (1855)...
The point I am making is that if a Thread is useful and helpful to new Members to the Forums, it shouldn't be considered Necro. For instance, the...
And the Order System is TOTALLY STUPID. It should be THIS easy. "Hey, look, this guy wants X of this at X%." Click 'View'. Drag X of that into...
And the entire idea that each new Bid has to be a Full PED. Let people PEC Bump one at a time if they are trying to be precise on getting a great...
"even though it's a necro" Man, I really hate that. I do. So what? The Thread was started a long time ago. And? New Members join every...
If you have Diablo III (or the expansion to it) it might be a bit like Nemesis just showing up out of no where, wiping the MOB you were hunting,...
And that is done... well, just the 25,000 Attempts. Still no Blue Print Comprehension, so after this update I'm back to it. That was a 100K...
The reason I gave you a 'Gratz!', which I'm sure is used in 'Share My Success' Threads, is because I am congratulating you on standing up for...
Absolutely right. We are here to express our 'Wishes', since this is a Wish List. The Programmers will then take what they find useful and...
Oh, I see. That would be horrible! LOL! Seems like a bad interface design then, that they should look at changing in the first place. I mean,...
I get it, you just want things that drive more PvP contact. Which isn't a bad idea. I mean, for that matter a Day 1 Noob can run in naked and...
You, Mr. Dave, are certainly the man... and I but a humble citizen. But if I may bend your ear for a moment on the idea of 'repair for Loot'. 1....
You could do one of these every Week. Maybe even amp Skill Gains during the Event for those in it (so they are 'noob stat status' for less time...
Separate names with a comma.