Welcome to the latest update for Planet Arkadia! This patch brings exciting new content and challenges for all brave colonists. Read on for the...
- Four (4) teleporters have been added on the Arkadia moon surface to make the northern areas more accessible: [Arkadia Moon, 10905, 12695, 253,...
[ATTACH] “Happy Labour Day 2024! Planet Arkadia wants to reward the hard workers of Arkadia and therefore will purchase various goods throughout...
Hi Eddie, Once you pay the particle Mk4 to the NPC (ONE TIME) you gain access to the instance, on any level (1 to 5) for 5 hours, and you are...
- fixed an issue where some wall / rocks models inside the Underground were invisible - fixed and issue with Indomitable Firebase Shops not...
the hazmat suit requires 1000 hides to be looted. it has been like that since introduced. keep in mind you only need to loot them for the counter...
do you happen to know where this crafter is? would really help me locate the bugged terrain faster. thanks for reporting
It is tested, it works!!! ;)
Noted. I actually found a cool concept for it :) [SPOILER] On a more serious note, the textures seen there are WIP so we might see a different...
Congratulations all!
interesting ideas here, keep em coming, here's mine : [IMG] kidding ofc :)
Looks terrible. Thanks again. Will fix it asap.
I will have a look to see what happened , thanks for reporting.
with the protests going on in my country this is the song that i choose [MEDIA]
we are still around, lurking in the shadows and developing new stuff :)
we definately need a horror custom shopfront thats for sure :)
Congratz for your RL ATH !!!! And welcome to Arkadia !
Thanks for the positive feedback guys! Merry Christmas and happy holiday for all!
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