Actually no... as Neil explained... we are paid only in full pec per aud increments. To exemplify: - there are 200,000 deeds out there, that...
Free BUMP for a great event! :D Come and celebrate JOD's birthday. :)
Any IFN base (not academy!) at the IFN terminal. My honest advice is to take them all; doesn't hurt to have them all just in case, for when...
First to like and comment! HAHAHA! But for real, great news to see new weapons. :) And original way to announce tentative date of VU. :P
Definitely not.
Hunting will most likely result in a net lose (is the way the game is designed - that decay and ammo consumption to cost more than loot)....
I really don't believe that is true.
FREE BUMP! Happy birthday, JOD! :D
Hyellow people! :) Intriguing title? Well... let me reveal the mystery... I'm selling [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] - three for one PED (which means...
Yes, is mindforce chips, and they can be healing, damaging ones - they are the equivalent of magic in EU. And they function with mind essence as...
Dail BUMP. Always looking for new opportunities to work (and skill up) for decay. :)
BUMP - still looking. :)
Daily BUMP. :)
Please don't turn it into a pooping party. Hahahaha! :P
It is not 24 hours allowed; you can take the quest and finish it in as much time you need; is just that you can't do more than one quest per 24...
That sounds really wise... but requires a programmer - hahaha - something I'm not. :))
Hyellow! :) Trying to save money for my first flying vehicle, so everything that is tradeable and is not essential must go. :) So, here goes...
Hellcome to Entropia Universe and Planet Arkadia! :) May your stay be a long and glorious one! :)
ATM I have it off in news ticket, off in main chat and over 2k on the ticker (because it has no off option :P). So, if they would implement that,...
I have them off :P But I would still want to see for example only HOFs or only my friends globals so I can tell them grats. :)
Separate names with a comma.