Keep the loot as loot as long as possible. TT equals loss and then I buy ammo with whatever I have on card ;)
It's a not a thought through suggestion. 1. Markup of shrapnel would be forced above 101% and one of the main reasons people paid thousands first...
Guess I'll start with another 1.8k hof then :P 7 mobs into June. :) [IMG]
Ghu... I embrace scientific skepticism, which means promotion of proper evidence based science and critical thinking, which makes me a skeptic....
It's a video. Of a bunny. And a tiger. Then black. Question is: Did the tiger eat the bunny, or the bunny eat the tiger?
Something is eating all the bunnies!!!!!'''
Another solution would be letting them run over players. Since they are quite big they should be able to do so. But until then, people should listen.
Hmm... You sir... EU is not a casino. You do not play Texas because you are 15. Also, the stupid rules are there to protect the investments far...
So glad I went to bed and didn't stay up waiting for a big one. Hopefully they are still there when I get home from work. A little guide on loot...
You have my permission to do so. Being that I am the almighty ruler of the universe (how else could I predict my XP1 drop?) I'll make sure he...
Tiers doesn't really matter. Paying weekly MU unless it seems fishy, rounded to nearest ped per part.
W00000000000000000000T So looking forward to looting my XP1! Not long left now!!! I'm the only here thrilled about this!!!!!?!?!????!! New #1...
Nah... I just got discouraged by the lack of interest. It's tough to pull stuff off. Intended to give it some time and then check for interest...
Most armors that offer decent protection and are available at a steady supply are limited and crafted. Limited heal tools are in general crafted....
As a hunter, I stack everything, except for the body parts without use, hides and cheaper boards. I sell items directly on Arkadia auction, fill...
Space is cheaper yes. Crafting skillgains are expensive compared to other professions. At current my highest hunting profession is 52 and I've...
If I recall correctly ;) Edit: Found the thread:!!!&highlight=mothership
So. You consider a mob dropping a rocket launcher unrealistic, but you would be fine with a mob dropping hides and oils? A dinosaur , that you...
The main issue I see here is really that if it was successful it would not only build the communities confidence for OP up, but also the business...
- How quick will it double? I got 10,000 PED lying around which I would love to see grow. Are you able to digitally sign legal documents and...
Separate names with a comma.