Before this VU i saw hope for this even if it was on the horison. Now im not so sure anymore however this is not based on arkadia and treasure...
Chris have we heard ANYTHING bout MA on this subjekt? From the begining this looked bad now its more in the standards of MA but in al honestly...
Its been done on caly before so should be more then doable. Massive robot attacks on outposts etc. Usualy quite fun and expensive as HELL
Ive been thinking bout this for awhile and figured id c if the great minds in here had some ideas to ad on or thoughts to this. Alot of us speak...
Bah 28 är ju snart ju :D. Får kika lite på det här vore ju onekligen nice att droppa förbi behöver kolla med polarna om en säng först dock :D
Yes and that link was the main issue for my problem. The fact was that I got 00 00 ONLY LOOT THTA SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. I am well aware that...
Ok it was wrong. For some reason somehow I couldnt c al what I did loot. Did a relogg cause im messing with an inventory bugg atm. When...
Thoose loot I would consider normal this is ONLY 00.00 loot. Nothing else just that. MA has stated that this should be a "filler" loot to cover...
THIS IS NOT A WHINE THREAD. Im just curios to if anyone else are hunting these and logging it ? Im hunting them atm and im getting several loot...
Ya kinda miss that to :). The new stuff ark have been pushing in in Forum Auction is decent but I wanna c more cool stuff :). Moer like the old...
Still gonna be anoying however. Spec as I like to do other stuff while klicking. I wanna klick untill my res is out
Mearly a minor setback :D. Still happy hwoever :). Going mix feran / halix swtiching between guns and rifle kinda makes these guys fun after...
Ok right now Zume I wanna marry you :D. Been killing a crapload of Halix recently going all in with the new TT wepons. Today it payd off :D. 400...
Sry for hijaking your thread abit here Kikki but feel this might add some info. Have not heard many having this issue but its the same for me and...
Did some testing on Tiarak today for the fun of it a whopping 165 ped loot to cover 250 ped ammo out :P. Seems I still have some way to go to...
Acctualy I know a few mixed custom low level spawns of this so hence I figured I ask if anyone know the bigger one :)
I have acctualy not reallly thougth bout that one before but thats a really good point. To high profit early stage and MU lessening as U increase...
Think I will have to nuke your brains abit more to get some more new shit up :D. 303 a104 is good but MU on the 303 kills that gun ark20 is...
Something that bothers me a lill bout the crafting part is the lack of "memory" of the logg. Also the logg seem to be a joy spreader more then...
For defensive cost ya acctualy sometimes I do but when I do I tend to get so pissed that I stopp doing that :). MU: Yeah weps and ESIs are so...
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