Selling this set of as I wont be needing it myself. 5 impact 27 acid 12000 dura Want about 150% for the full set its full TT at 25 ped per...
My 2 pecs here. First off U dont "NEED" to go to space, back OT :p My main issue with the rigg atm is the fact that U have to "search for the...
acctualy been wondering abit bout this to. Ateam has seemd a lill muzzled lately. have they finaly gone a lill MA on us :P
I missed this even but have to agree with Neil. To bad I missed his name a PM would be sweet anyone? :) Anyways ive said it before il say it...
But it will also kill the mobs which might miss our target as the spawn point is fixed.
I still say the IFN reps should be less carefull when airstriking the base. Nuking ppl a few times should send a point imo :P
The healers spoke abit last time bout this they cannot do al to much before the next VU ):
I would love to c an IFN terminal at 282 135 by this outpost. Noticed today I had to jump a loooooooong way to reach one meaning my waves got...
Hmm I havent tried but would it work better turning of 64 mode? Just noticed I had that running to with basicly the exact same issues. Seems alot...
Another fun thing happend to me today that I havent seen before prollly related somehow. When trying to logg on it said server offline for...
Hahaha :D.. Nice timing Kitten :D
Kitten is my best bet :P. She is most likely one of the most capable ones around here :P
A few years back I found this place and damn I miss it :P. Thoose first days of running around with absolutely no idea bout what I was doing. So...
Ark overall have really strong starting wepons. The Herman is a good wep. Hmm have U maxxed our TT wepons? I would probably recomend starting...
Opalo is a calypso wepon Thats why u cant find it here on ark. I do have some low end wepons in storage i think that could work
U should have pulled a print LT :P. Posted it here and signed it as crafting kadra :P
Would u have invested like u have knowing what u know now? How do u look upon Your relationship with mindark today? What has been good and bad?
There should be a finish imo :). At lv 100 or something atleast :P
If u notice my other thread created not so long ago about this subjekt u Will notice i agree with this the FAp comment was a jokr since u... Just holler and we go bananaz on thoose meanies
Separate names with a comma.