Thats because nerfs usually don't get added to VU notes
Next target? That can shoot even invisible targets. :D
1 chest hm i dislike it. Before you had more chances to loot a rare item now you got only one chance ... smells like a nerf to me.
If you want faster clearance of aakas instances then this is for you. If you want to clear aakas instances more economical then this is for you....
Oh noes.. I got the exploration hoverpod is that the one you're referring to?
Where do you get it I've seen a couple of people with it on arkadia.
Hello rex, welcome to EU and certainly welcome to arkadia hope you enjoy your stay here.
As the title says I'm currently searching for ARS owners to hunt some big mobs.My previous topic was swunting but it didn't seem popular enough,...
What do you expect out of a RCE game? If they simply gave peds for doing easy quests then there would be gold farmers and they'd lose a fortune.
Well my point is that the level 1 key has too high TT and not doable solo for a beginner, so they can't get a "taste" of the instances unless they...
Well how about it? Make an instance key for a new aakas instance that only have the puny version of the mobs there. The boss can be a puny...
Sell the beast and the gremlin, use those peds to fund your new level of playstyle in EU as a non depositor again. Live in the moment don't think...
How would you prevent cheaters? Like using amp and enhancers?
If you have stacks of loot of 5 ped or more, it's possible to sell at auction. Depends on the item, animal oils usually sell, Socket components...
Gratz, nice find. Was it amped?
You get concentration skill, psyche. And 1 more if I'm not mistaken tho can't remember which one.
very nice :) congrats! But this is getting bit weird. L only? I'm not a fan of L armours. Sure some might be worth using if the markup is low....
I was hoping they would loot muscle oil :(, not many mobs loot that in arkadia. And its desperately needed.
Don't forget if you're going to put mobs closer. MA's AI. Is universal correct? Well if someone shoots or start sweating a handraada, and there is...
Wow m8! I wonder how much a Stalker would hit. :cool: Attention all Citizens of Arkadia. Space is not as safe as before :p
Separate names with a comma.