"we ask colonists to please not shoot Oratan from the walls or under the entrance of the base" So the flying mobs-issue is still not resolved and...
It's not really about not liking the carnage and mayhem (that word is starting to get worn out in EU, I think...:)) but more that nobody but MA...
Yup, and I wasn't complaining about the overall loot but more the fact that with lvl 78 spiders looting *lots* of 1k+ hofs, our lvl 227 bosses...
Not sure but I don't think anything nice dropped this time. And for some not-so-smart reason, this time it spawned way too many boss mobs at the...
Yeah ok, you're right there, ESI:s of that size could go anywhere. I'm only using a lvl IX T5 electric attack nano chip, and I had originally...
Ah ok, understood. But in my opinion it worked really well last time so I still think "just go with what works"... Well as for loot, if there...
So in essence, where you disagree you really agree (I said I wanted the event to be at more than one location) and where you agree you disagree?...
My reflections on yesterdays event: 1) Why go from two locations - which proved successful in the last event - to one location? I said to my...
started really good but now laggy as hell, for me at least. Hope it will improve :)
Hi folks! I'm looking to tier up my little chip and would like to buy any tier V components you might have in your storage, I'll pay 140% for...
This will be fun! Haven't gotten anything nice yet on Arks very well put together events but who knows, maybe this time I'll be lucky? Lock and...
Indeed, Merry Christmas to everyone on Ark and everyone among the Devs :)
They're supposedly fixed now, but when will they be reopened? "Shortly" can mean anything...
What timeframe are you talking about in regards to "shortly" for the instances? Hours, days or weeks? :)
I think it has to do with the upcoming smuggler missions...:)
Tbh, I don't remember checking it, as I was "sure" that I wouldn't get any psyche at that stage... As Neil says, crosschecking entropedia will...
Nope, I'm pretty sure the broker didn't state anything about the attribute award being intelligence. I would've noticed, methinks, as I was going...
Actually, the broker didn't say anything this-or-that in regards to intelligence, psyche or any other attribute. It only stated the different...
Hi folks! There was an error on Entropedia, stating that for the lvl 5 oweko mission (12k kills) you'd get a cryo chip plus 100 psyche tokens....
Really nice event! A bit laggy, but workable since it was only to restart the pc when it got too bad. The only really annoying things were that...
Separate names with a comma.