That is the basis of the problem, there are not enough opportunities for players on Ark. I do not like the smuggler mission - it does represent...
I followed road from Celeste Outposr to Chemical Factory - higher Nusuls were mixed in with others - at a low rate thou
Suza, I hate to disagree with you on this but I feel that it would amount to buying ones way through the chain. I feel that promotion in the IFN...
Tameable Pandi Pups are still there - they are at the rear pf the spawn
I hope this is not against Arkadia Forum rules to refer to another forim. But Alainex created a really good thread on the subject...
Am just replying to you SoReal. You are making a judgement on Happy Hipster about an incident on another forum. I don't know the circumstances,...
Happy Hipster, if your OP had appeared in Rookie Chat (you know, the chat where players, esp. new ones, asked for information etc) it would have...
Aren't you putting the cart before the horse there SoReal? And it may well have been a typo on Happy Hipsters part - I mean look at the posts...
Happy Hipster, see what you have done - you got them off and running again. Angry humourless replies, claims to victim status, sweeping insults....
I think this Kronan drama could be made into a passable play [IMG] I can see a role for Granny - and maybe Bas they would bothy have to die thou
Geez Hipster don't encourage them :( Take pride in our MS and just laugh at their ineptitude :) [MEDIA]
For God's sake Sionkiewicz, you actually made a sarcastic response to kraank's post ? Why do that, I thought it was a good post & certainly did...
This game is great, its just not perfect. If you come across something that is really good, then say so. Its called positive feedback. If you come...
Looks like the Space Opera has arrived in all its hypocritical virtue signalling glory. It had to happen I suppose. Now if the good general can...
"if we", "I think we", "anything we" "days where we" they are acceptable but "WE ALL" get that you don't like pirates" is not because everybody...
On reflection,Posthistory should be congratulated for this thread. Because as a result some good ideas have come out of it, mainly (though not...
Suza this is an excellent post. It sums up everything and puts it in perspective. This plus your suggestion as to how pirated loot should be...
Well I agree with you Sionkiewicz, and I applaud the stance you take. If someone makes an incorrect statement of fact, then it is the duty of...
Granny what you have raised is valid and I stand corrected. But you have certainly derailed this thread. Maybe you should have responded in a new...
Granny I apologise, NBK Natural Born Killers, NVE Nebula Virus Elite. I got guilds mixed up. stemmed from a post by Sionkiewicz ( a member of...
Separate names with a comma.