Yes Normandie is very safe..and they have different pilots also that have access at different times now who are on also..Yay!!..Just PM John Black...
If anyone wants to start selling in Arkadia on auction.. any items..The Normandie will get all your stuff there in blink of an eye and safely....
OMG ..Woot!! Woot!!..Normandie now flies to Arkadia with the warp drive...and can get there easily..OMW!!...I will spread the news!!..:)
Welcome Bad!! ..Arkadia is the most friendly place you will find and on this forum I must say..:) Did you try the IFN Challenge yet? (With Oros)
I like Lemon and Lime or a cool neon...Yay!..:)
I took a trip to Rocktropia from Calypso..1 HOUR LONG.give or take!! This is insanity,there's an hour of my life I can't get back!! :mad: Nor 1...
Hi we are streaming a "just for fun" radio show now from our society..20:00 Alaina (DJ Bonnie) will be the first DJ on today.her first time..(told...
Good Luck Strash!!....:)
;);););) Happy Birthday To You.....Have a wonderful day! :D
Van is the Man!!!...;)
Mine is probably the most uncreative.... I picked from where I lived and a flower..UGH! Terribly creative I know..Hahaha!! Im just wondering why...
Shoot ..Hard to get anything past you Rufen...:/
Yay!! Welcome Back!..great post +rep!
I went and rented movie again to watch.."Night at the Roxbury"...Classic!...:)
Thank You.I'm glad you liked it....:)
Wow..Thats so Tony should I hunt them elsewhere or before wave event do you think? I was hunting them last night and that seems to be the...
Whoo Hooo...I am on my way!..:)
I know this is an older post but your using cryo chip on Shinkiba?That can get expensive!..I am doing the Iron challenge and using an unamped...
I have been giggling about this allday..Beware will get stuck in your head!..LOL!
Great response Jenny..:) Yes PvP ring and zones get a bit of drama.but demographically speaking for age of new players 17-24 year olds, are shall...
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