We will have 2 Beers please?..[ATTACH]"Mel your buying the house a round"..LOL!
Hi Kmax..Is this going on now?..I hope..I hope..:D
Was Awesome Isclay!! Everyone had a blast!! You broke the record too!!..Congratulations are new Music Guru of Arkadia and Beyond!! Loved it!!
OMG How exciting!!.....love it..love it...Can't wait!!...http://normandieradio.co.uk/..KD love your siggie too!!...This is going to be fun..I love...
Gratz!!!!!..Got the mission heading out there..did you leave anything for rest of us!!?
Zume great meeting you..Your awesome..Have fun with interview..:D
Yay Mel!! See you there..I have my cocktails chilling and my party face on!! Hope to see all you guys in Quarry tonight..tune in I got alot of...
Great TP Map!! I am wondering and have been looking for MOB Map updated..where are ORo Mission mobs( asking cause I'm still on Phase 2)..and can...
I am On Arkadia Jenny..Where are these located?..and where do you get mission? Just like oro IFN terminal?
Yay Coming To Arkadia and hunt/Play today!!..will do show on Saturday from there..love you guys!!
I think utilize that nice PVP ring and have a Live radio show from there maybe with prizes?..(Ok >.I'm partial)..But MS Normandie can bring guests...
Great Bump..For Jenny..Thank You Jenny!
I was just there hunting Tiriak..Love it on Arkadia!!..Beautiful there...I go there often!!..I fly back and forth on Normandie and repair on there...
Merry Christmas TKoC!! Have a great Christmas party!!..:)
Merry Christmas to All of you!!..:D
Now it is PVP is Global ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBJZPE6fTo
Christmas Party for Laudanum society going on NOW! Normandie Radio is playing live there..If you cant be there tune in NOW to DJ Mel Bosshart!! We...
Aww Thanks You guys!! *blushing* was a wonderful Birthday..I even managed a global in there..Woot! Woot!!..:D
Are you on the guestlist for Normandie MS Mind?..If so yes he can beam you up..:) I don't know if he can do it off his friend list. I will check....
Awwww...Thank You Everyone..How Wonderful you are!!...So Sweet!!..OMG..I'm blushing ..Cheers Everyone!..XO
Separate names with a comma.