As soon as I get a link, I'll be posting it in the interview hosting thread, too. :)
In VLC, go to Open Network Stream and enter: mms:// AHR doesn't use ShoutCast. And you need to make sure you have...
That's exactly why I decided the last competition I was in would be the last I was ever in.
vBulletin is built using PHP.. How does it run VBScript, then?
Can you search by group ID by chance? Say by anyone who is part of the Ark Staff user group? Not knowing all that much about vBulletin (I've...
*Added NR's interview from the 19th*
I don't know how much hunting has changed, but here's a good write-up that may help you out:
Note: it's small enough nine times out if ten if you use JPEG rather than PNG. :)
Yeah, there for a while I had to have an icon to kill Entropia.exe because it wouldn't completely close on its own (a few months to a year ago)...
You could always try this, then: taskkill /F /IM ClientLoader.exe taskkill /F /IM Entropia.exe (Copy/Paste into "Run" dialog with WinKey+R)
Everyone is welcome as long as they don't participate in space piracy. :) Check us out on the society terminal (if you haven't already). :)
Always great to get insight into expense of others.
Check the downtime thread...
New planets are always minor version updates. Space changed the fundamental premise for gameplay between planets, and so it was a major version...
They moved the downtime... :p Downloading Arkadia, Space, and Cyrene now.. Got a free seat if anyone wants it.
Last I remember, about 30-35 total.. All but a couple (with RL issues causing their departure) log in once a month (they get dismissed if not...
I'm still fleshing it out, so for now it's posted here: Crafting Tutorial This is a pretty good video explaining the...
It can be.. But if you do low-end crafting with materials you loot anyway, you're really not out much. Some items will actually end up giving you...
I'll be heading over to check it out. If you and I are on at the same time you're free to ride along. :)
And I refuse to support EP for personal reasons. I MUCH prefer the atmosphere here on this forum.
Separate names with a comma.