A soc member is going to be testing it shortly.
Also, Kitten's copied text retained the formatting from the website and is almost unreadable using a skin that has white.
Or, if it's just you, go inactive (switch to passenger seat) and do something else for a while.
I've seen this on a Quad, as well. So did the passenger at the time, too. So it's just an underlying bug in the platform.
That was one thing I actually DID like about Rocktropia in one area.. Chairs you could sit in were close enough to the crafting terminal you could...
If you go there, you're going find a lot of nothing.. The address is www.entropedia.info. If you want to stay planet specific, you can also try:...
Yeah, Lee fixed it, already. :p
It's a wide area that is a tad bit on the SSW of Taipan.
I've heard of them dropping off Jori. Otherwise you might try Huon.
Just S/SW of Taipan Digsite.
Note: the text is almost white on white. Think the color needs to be removed so it shows up right...
I multi-boot my computer with Win7/WinXP for games that will not run in Windows 7. ;)
Ah yeah, hadn't thought of that. Makes sense.
I guess you could always try tunneling with a different proxy... Sites would be a bit slower, but it should work. Theoretically. I don't know your...
I suggest listening to the latest interview with David Dobson. He clearly stated that there will be craftable items that use treasure. There will...
I'd like to see a higher maturity of Zadul, too. Highest I've seen is about Guardian.
I have a solution for everyone... Stop using Windows XP and upgrade yourselves to Windows 7. ;)
I've seen them do that on occasion, too. Not too often, though. Just once in a while.
And currently uploading.. I'll go ahead and add the link, but it'll be about 20 minutes (give or take) before it's fully uploaded.
I tried to get it, but she sent it over Skype before Skype was up, so it gives this lovely message: "File sending failed. Unable to read file."...
Separate names with a comma.