Congratulations! You've reached Lv 49 in your Laser Sniper Hit :D
Gave thread a new face lift, should make things easier for both parties [IMG]. Still online for a few more hours... 2-3.
Bought a new toy to add to my arsenal. Long range rifle Baringer SR37.
Am now back on Calypso, after my 2nd Client on Levi :). A few globals, no pics sadly my tracker isnt working properly atm. Not sure why. Items of...
Same thing happened to me Sam, no uber loot in hunting but i got a 2200 hof on the slots? :O strange... gz btw.
Thanks Onyar :). Yesterday was a lot of fun & ark could be the base for my clients, mobs here have high hp.
Loyalty Reward System, will be put into place once I get 10 more clients to establish parameters.
Reserved. Team (Power's Quest Assist) Got 9 globals today on Kamaldon. A quote from my first client :)
PQA is a new service I' am providing to either help shoot your mobs, to help heal your damage or why not both? This service, is to aid...
Fap Bump, Healed Bump.
Healers Bump!
Back online in 3hours if you need help get in touch :). ~Mark~
My answer to your question is going to be the Oratan Slasher mob. Equal to Argonaut in Hp/Regen, Dmg/Type, Loot/Ore & Threat/Danger Lv....
Bump it up some more
Interesting video UncleMo :). Thanks for posting, like your commentary style.
Herb Box Healer x2 for Hire. Lv20 Paramedic atm, plus free I/II heal enhancers, both past tier 2. Online from 9am to 11pm ingame time. Pay just...
Is muscle oil needed on ark then?
Happy B-Day (My) Jenny :)
Nice story there Hideo :)
Bump this up!
Separate names with a comma.