I want to sell my unlimited Piron PBP-10. It's at tier 3.6 (I think). I've looted (and discovered) this flea-shooter myself a couple of years ago...
Wow, a lot of things has happened. To tell it as chronologicly as possible, I went on a couple of Kiana hunts to start with. That was for part 1...
It's been a while since I've posted anything and a lot has happened. First thing is that I'm back on Arkadia! But before that I've enjoyed the...
Introducing the Mêlée Museum Sanctuary Cove 7.1 [ATTACH] With small pride I like to announce that I've opened a Museum of Mêlée Weapons in...
I've been to the Ark.Moon and back again. Although, back means on Calypso this time. But a lot of other things has been happening too. First of...
I've left a small MF chip at one of those giant statues. No idea if it's been found already or not. I do such a thing sometimes (very, very few)...
Stage 2 gives Inflict Melee Damage. I got 6.6848 points and am now at ~4035.5 points. You need to kill 200 Warhounds for stage 2, and 500 for...
Stage 2 gives Longblades. I got 1.0611 points and am now at ~7070.7 points. You need to kill 200 Oompa for stage 2, and 500 for stage 3.
Stage 1 gives Clubs. I got 11.8 points and now I'm at ~3760.7 Stage 2 is to kill 200 Sicarius.
Stage 1 gives Courage, I forgot to note skills before and after (and forgot the chip size).
Stage 1 gives Dexterity, I forgot to note skills before and after (and forgot the chip size).
So, yeah, I've done it. I've unlocked Wounding at level 45 Swordsman (Dmg)! I had this idea in my head to go on "celebration hunts" after every...
The new moon looks ever more amazing with each 'update'! :snaphappy::woot: Can't wait to see it being launched ... well, maybe I can. Because when...
Thanks for the note chongpha. I'm not sure I can take on either of those Mutated mobs. I can kill some that are around the same level (M....
It's been a while since I've made an update, but here it is. I've been inactive more then active, and the first hunt is from three months ago....
So, let's see what I've done and accomplished this month. For the most part I've hunted Jori trying to complete the mission. I'm now about 500...
I have suffered from Riptorophobia ever since I've hunted them during the first 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! on 10 januari 2015 at 15:40. To quote...
[ATTACH] This picture is from a month ago already. I've never had a global like this before. The Combat Masks just kept on popping. Add to that a...
Hello Nova, I've done a Halix-log myself some years ago, so I know how hard it can be! Do you also a finisher? And if not, why so? I think it is...
This post is mostly about the numbers in the hunting-table form the Mêlée all the Way. You can read in the thread there how that went and my...
Separate names with a comma.