Yes this is an interesting one to work out - also if you have ores or resedue in storage the craft machine picks this up as useable and not just...
You are checking your Craft Statististics ? [ATTACH] On the Crafting Machine there is a Statistics button - Depending how you craft this can...
First you make me go and kill puny puny puny mobs ;( - Then you want me to make a list pretty ;) - I have started to tidy this up - but one thing...
Naked Ned ;P [ATTACH]
For Those of you that Like PVP please come to the IFN Training grounds and Kick that Ned Kelly's Backside ;) Its in the Event List so grab your...
Some of the Smuggler Mechs & Badgers in the below post
Expect the Unexpected shal we say - I would guess were going to see multiple smugglers from the origenal smuggler's to new mech's & Smuggler...
Also another one is to save all the ingerdients for sharadesh vault keys - maps or turn mapts to keys by running the missions and then putting...
There are a lot of mission rewards for melee - I dont activly skill the proffession but am level 25 melee on some and have most melee unlocks due...
[MEDIA] If your an old CND Baby then you might remember this - still love the mall and gamerchick when you run in there with the neverdie song....
Not been funny but Neverdie did kinda look a bit cute then ! ;P
Right this might seem a bit like panto but there are so many good responses they need replies. I was always worried to try and bribe you before...
Did Some One Say SMUGGLERS ! ! ! ! ! and NED ! ! ! ! Wine and Pro Plus on order ;P
Try relogging and then check for a ped stack - should be next to ped card
[ATTACH] Compensation Recived - Thank You Guys
Well Grinding has seamed to have worked and I have now acquired a new skill ;) after many a many weapon as well. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Combat...
oh I love all the spam when I land on Rocktropia ;) also when you visit hunt the thing too ;) Would love the Arkaida ones to have nicer graphics...
Lets upset 5$ not too much but another option appart from Big Industries La's ( all of 5$ & 8 Coins ) Sanctury Cove - Bountys on Kadra and Huon...
So far both of us that have been looking for sets have managed to get them from pcf and there sales threads - Last Liakon drop was also still in...
Yippieee - on the achivements section you now have your assigned firebase shown ;) Nice one A-Team [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.