btw once I got the armor I will make screenshot with it and my big axe. I think this armor will fit good on my axe, and probably if there was some...
I hope at least you got some strippers in the last days of your free live. Gl Cyrus and if the EULA don't forbid it make and avatar and come back...
thats sux, but how r u sure ONLY key 7 has that bug o.O
Thanks for the feedback, I fixed some inaccurate stuff.
Everything you need to know but were afraid to ask in 1 post The Viceroy Skullcandy Edition Armor Dilemma Planet Arkadia Update 2013.2 (18th...
Looks like great quest to me. And I can think of 2 other positive side of it: -Make people go to other planets, becouse u can't buy it u have to...
I did only one instance and had to fly off the planet so this is not active until some day in the future when I come back to the planet. The MU...
I'm in game now anyone online for instance?
In Entropia there are no character classes or anything so you are free to skill in everything. And for years I am wondering why people play WOW...
Yeah add me or post your full avatar name so I can add you as friend
Yesterday I did lvl 2 instance, but the mobs were too weak for me. The loot return was normal but only 3 treasure chests and no globals, thats...
Or may be stop while Calypso servers are overcrowded :) jk hardcore voting all the way :dribble:
Based on my expiriance this month, if you look at the map there are 2 regions with no teleporters - Upper left where is white snow and upper right...
Hm, this is actualy even more usefull to disable when mining, when you try to select the claim, but instead click on the ground and your ava start...
I'm looking for someone to make team for some instance run. I'm lvl 32 ranged laser and have Gremlin with some plates and I am afraid of disconect...
and another question If the team of 2 players or more is doing the instance how is the loot divided? Who opens the chest take it all or depending...
Great post. What if you sneak by all the mobs - You still going to get the same loot or the loot in cheast comes from the mobs you killed inside?
Ok how out of the ordinary are SOOTO if I get 3 for 2 weeks. [IMG]
Oos I was about to try lvl 1 door and just read this post. I guess I will wait.
bump my ride
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