Hm, I think I can fly there. Is Viceroy armor and kinetick attack chip V any good for those mobs?
How much is 15,000,000 ROTTEN BANANAS in PEDs or bitcoins? May be he should sell that before the server deletion :)
Is this just Arkadia or world wide? And it sound interesting.
I guess he can't answer most interesting questions, but: -What he was talking about when he said that he will have problems traveling in space or...
It must be realy expensive to run those servers.
So next VU is sheduled for 17th December :)
Very nice interview. I listened it all at work even tho it wasn't short which is good. He didn't say from what mob will drop the next ATH, but...
If they start playing it will be financially effective :)
That was funny :)
Yes, Arkadia really neglected miners so far :dark:
So becouse you don't like bound items you want instead of 1 new to add many new bound items :)
That poster looks like from horror movie. Good job :)
That Smuggler armor mission sound interesting. Is there a date when it will arive in the game?
finaly :dribble:
Do you see the Akkas 09 globals, thats actualy 1 instance 1 global and ET somehow getting it wrong. From there you can think how accurate are the...
So now we are encouraged to make longer gaming sesions ?
Not as good as previous videos, but only 2 days to next VU I guess we'll live.
Yeah I was wondering why only Calypso has sneak peaks for this partner update :confused: And Arkadia was good so far with sneak peak and...
As usual upgrading 1 component will cost more then buying new phone so I doibt it will happen. The dude can make nice youtube videos, but taking...
Separate names with a comma.